34-year old
Caroline is a 5’ 7”, 134 lb. sexy real estate agent who joined a private
wrestling club along with her younger sister, 31-year old Amy who stands at 5'6" and weighs 129 lb. Both women are married and their husbands
always attend the matches and cheer them on (obviously…). Today, Caroline is fighting in a grudge match
against the younger and smaller 20-year old University student Jessie, a 5’5”, 123 lb. aggressive and arrogant
fighter who looks so innocent, but loves to fight hard and taunts her victims when she wins, but is a sore loser when
she loses. She beat Amy a
few weeks earlier, in which the ref as well as some women who were witnessing
the match had to interfere and force Jessie to release Amy because she wouldn’t
let go of a combination choke hold and body scissors after Amy had screamed in
pain and had tapped out. Amy was clearly
upset as Jessie laughed it off by saying: “Give me a break, bitch. If you can’t handle the pain, you shouldn’t
be here.”
Caroline who was one of the
witnesses to Amy's controversial and painful defeat was visibly troubled by
Jessie’s antics and nastiness, and wanted to avenge what Jessie had done to her
little sister. So Caroline challenged
Jessie to a grudge match and specifically asked the organizers to put her
against Jessie at the next event. She then
told Amy that she’d avenge her loss and would show Jessie that Amy’s big sister
can put the little 20-year old arrogant bitch in her place.
In today’s
match, Amy, her husband Mike, and Carol’s husband Ron are there to cheer and
support Caroline in this highly anticipated and emotionally charged match. Jessie is well aware that the more mature Caroline
wants to take her down a few notches and seeks to avenge her younger sister by beating
the arrogant 20-year old student. When
their names are called to fight, they remove their robes revealing Caroline’s cute white bikini with pink and lavender pastel colours and Jessie’s
black bikini bottom with multi-coloured top. Once they are in their bikinis, they are introduced to the audience and strike a pose by flexing their biceps before beginning the match.
Caroline looks at how small her opponent Jessie appears when she stands in front of her. Caroline is so confident that she is going to take the little brat apart in this fight and avenge her sister's loss. She thinks to herself: "There is no way that I will let this shitty little 20-year old student get away with hurting my sister. She'll find out soon enough what it's like to be beat by a real woman, a stronger, taller 34-year old angry married woman. I want her badly."
The 20-year old student Jessie stares right at Caroline as she flexes her biceps. Larger women have never intimidated her and she is ready to take on the big sister seeking vengeance for her younger sibling.
The women are then asked to remove their tops and meet in the middle of the room. They are given instructions by the ref on what is, and is not, allowed in this pins and submissions wrestling match. They are asked to shake hands as is usually done before the fighters begin what are typically intense, but friendly competitive matches.
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Mature married 134 lb Caroline strikes a pose and looks confident before the match |
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Young 120 lb brat Jessie strikes a pose as she stares at Caroline before the match |
The 20-year old student Jessie stares right at Caroline as she flexes her biceps. Larger women have never intimidated her and she is ready to take on the big sister seeking vengeance for her younger sibling.
The women are then asked to remove their tops and meet in the middle of the room. They are given instructions by the ref on what is, and is not, allowed in this pins and submissions wrestling match. They are asked to shake hands as is usually done before the fighters begin what are typically intense, but friendly competitive matches.
Caroline’s surprise, Jessie extends her hand, but Caroline isn’t too sure about
this, as she really doesn’t trust her opponent, but she speaks up: “Even if
you’re an arrogant bitch, I’ll shake your hand just to show you that unlike
you, I have class”. Caroline moves
closer and extends her right hand to shake Jessie’s. When Caroline is close enough to Jessie, she
lowers her eyes so her right hand can shake Jessie’s right hand. In a sudden lighting fast move, Jessie slaps
Caroline’s face with her left hand, not too hard, but just enough to insult
her, then quickly backs away smiling and taunting her: “So big bad sister
Caroline’s going to avenge her crybaby sister?
I don’t think so…!” Caroline is
furious and starts to lunge towards Jessie as the ref holds her back telling
her to calm down or she’ll disqualify both combatants and there won’t be any
match. Caroline backs away while pointing
her finger at Jessie and shouting: “You’re mine, bitch. You’re mine.”
The ref
reminds both combatants to stick to the rules or the match will be
forfeited. As soon as she gives the OK
for the women to fight, they approach each other cautiously then lock their bodies together as they clinch.
Caroline suddenly
moves right up to Jessie and pushes her heavier body forward to take the arrogant bitch down. It works, as Jessie falls backwards with Caroline right on top of her. But Jessie fights back to avoid being pinned by her larger opponent.
Amy, Mike and Caroline's husband Ron are screaming their lungs out in excitement as they see the big sister Caroline take the arrogant student down on the mat and is in control of the match. Caroline keeps pushing forward and now Jessie is on her back. She puts her arm around Jessie's neck and maintains control of this fight. Jessie digs her nails into Caroline's side as she struggles to avoid being pinned.
Her anger as her motivator, Caroline feels like she's close to upsetting the arrogant Jessie and with her sister and husband cheering her on from the sideline, there's no way Jessie can escape. Feeling Jessie's fingernails in her side, Caroline gets even more pumped as she will have none of this dirty fighting. So, she moves in for the kill and goes for a pin. Jessie is now in serious trouble and needs to act fast before the ref starts counting to ten.
Caroline looks at the ref, hoping that he'll start counting. He leans over: "One, two, three, four, five, six..." . As the crowd cheers on, both fighters wrestle aggressively, and you can hear their moans, groans and screams, but they stay within the rules. Caroline is so close to victory that she can smell it. She finds out quickly though, that Jessie is a lot stronger than she looks and is not easily pinned. At the count of seven, Jessie bridges to stop the count and avoid defeat.
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You can see the size differential as the more mature, taller and heavier married real estate agent Caroline locks up against the young single student Jessie |
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Caroline pushes forward and Jessie falls on her back, but fights to avoid being pinned |
Amy, Mike and Caroline's husband Ron are screaming their lungs out in excitement as they see the big sister Caroline take the arrogant student down on the mat and is in control of the match. Caroline keeps pushing forward and now Jessie is on her back. She puts her arm around Jessie's neck and maintains control of this fight. Jessie digs her nails into Caroline's side as she struggles to avoid being pinned.
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Caroline controls young student Jessie who counters by digging her nails into Caroline's soft skin |
Her anger as her motivator, Caroline feels like she's close to upsetting the arrogant Jessie and with her sister and husband cheering her on from the sideline, there's no way Jessie can escape. Feeling Jessie's fingernails in her side, Caroline gets even more pumped as she will have none of this dirty fighting. So, she moves in for the kill and goes for a pin. Jessie is now in serious trouble and needs to act fast before the ref starts counting to ten.
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Caroline has had enough of Jessie's antics and goes for the pin to finish off this young bitch |
Caroline looks at the ref, hoping that he'll start counting. He leans over: "One, two, three, four, five, six..." . As the crowd cheers on, both fighters wrestle aggressively, and you can hear their moans, groans and screams, but they stay within the rules. Caroline is so close to victory that she can smell it. She finds out quickly though, that Jessie is a lot stronger than she looks and is not easily pinned. At the count of seven, Jessie bridges to stop the count and avoid defeat.
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At the count of seven, Jessie bridges to narrowly avoid losing to Caroline so early in the match |
The smaller Jessie keeps struggling to turn Caroline over, but the heavier woman prevails and still has the adrenaline rush going strong in her quest to avenge her sister's loss and her family's honour, especially against a young, small, arrogant student. Jesse's body is now sideways as she pushes hard to try to roll big sister Caroline on her back.
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Jessie struggles to get Caroline off of her, but there is no way that Caroline is letting her |
Oh no!!! What is this? Jessie is outmuscling Caroline as both combatants lay on their side. Jessie then moves her left leg on top of Caroline and is slowly changing her position from submissive to dominant while Caroline doesn't seem to be able to stop her. Amy, Mike and Caroline's husband Ron are stunned. While Amy keeps screaming at her big sister to fight back, Ron's jaw drops. He can't believe what he sees. His wife is struggling hard at staying on top, but Jessie keeps pushing hard to roll Caroline on her back.
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Jessie is slowly shifting the momentum her way as Caroline tries to fight back |
You can clearly hear Caroline's desperate cries over the loud audience noise as she is slowly turned on her back by Jessie: "Aaarrgghhhh!! No! No! I can't... I can't!!" Jessie is now on top position as she grabs Caroline's right wrist with her left arm and forces it to the mat. Caroline's face says it all as she struggles in vain against her tough young opponent.
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Caroline's face shows signs of stress as Jessie gains the upper hand |
Caroline fights with all her might to avoid ending up on her back. An intelligent wrestler, Jessie keeps Caroline's left arm secured as the diminutive 20-year old student gains control over the 34-year old big sister. The difference in size is quite apparent. Big sister's revenge over the arrogant student is starting to fizzle.
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Jessie's wrestling skills appear to be superior than Caroline's as she gains control of the match |
With her left arm pinned, Caroline fights to avoid getting her shoulder pinned as well. She is in serious trouble now. Jessie can smell victory over her more mature opponent.
Jessie is now on top of her heavier opponent. Caroline has no defines as
The crowd screams as poor Caroline tries desperately to reverse the direction this match is heading, but Jessie has her own agenda and it's working rather well for her.
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Jessie holds Caroline's arm on the mat as she totally dominates her |
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Big sister Caroline can't believe that the much smaller Jessie is on top of her |
SHE'S GOT HER!!! "No!! No!!! C'mon Caroline!! Fight her!!" Jessie goes for the pin as Caroline's facial expression says it all. Although Caroline has heart and determination to avenge her sibling, after about 15 minutes of fighting, Jessie shows that she is the better wrestler as she managed to keep Caroline on the defensive when it counted the most. Caroline’s 15 minutes are up as Jessie takes full control and goes for a pin as Caroline is seen in this picture with a facial expression that illustrates her frustration while she struggles not to lose. Desperately trying to get Jessie off of her, Caroline is unable to avoid the pin as the referee counts to 10 and awards the victory to the young student. Caroline is devastated, and so are her sister and husband who are stunned in disbelief by this upset.
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Jessie seals the victory as she pins a devastated Caroline who is unable to avoid defeat |
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A cocky Jessie fixes her hair after her upset win over sexy real estate agent Caroline |
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An exhausted 31-year old Caroline cannot believe she just lost to a 20-year old student |
It seems hard to fathom, but the fact is that the much younger, arrogant 20-year old student Jessie is now the undisputed, dominant alpha-female to both sexy sisters Amy and Caroline who are married and in their 30s.