Monday, 14 December 2015

34-year old Caroline challenges 20-year old Jessie to a grudge match to avenge Jessie’s cruel and punishing victory against her 31-year old sister Amy

34-year old Caroline is a 5’ 7”, 134 lb. sexy real estate agent who joined a private wrestling club along with her younger sister, 31-year old Amy who stands at 5'6" and weighs 129 lb.  Both women are married and their husbands always attend the matches and cheer them on (obviously…).  Today, Caroline is fighting in a grudge match against the younger and smaller 20-year old University student Jessie, a 5’5”, 123 lb. aggressive and arrogant fighter who looks so innocent, but loves to fight hard and taunts her victims when she wins, but is a sore loser when she loses.  She beat Amy a few weeks earlier, in which the ref as well as some women who were witnessing the match had to interfere and force Jessie to release Amy because she wouldn’t let go of a combination choke hold and body scissors after Amy had screamed in pain and had tapped out.  Amy was clearly upset as Jessie laughed it off by saying: “Give me a break, bitch.  If you can’t handle the pain, you shouldn’t be here.”  

Caroline who was one of the witnesses to Amy's controversial and painful defeat was visibly troubled by Jessie’s antics and nastiness, and wanted to avenge what Jessie had done to her little sister.  So Caroline challenged Jessie to a grudge match and specifically asked the organizers to put her against Jessie at the next event.  She then told Amy that she’d avenge her loss and would show Jessie that Amy’s big sister can put the little 20-year old arrogant bitch in her place.

In today’s match, Amy, her husband Mike, and Carol’s husband Ron are there to cheer and support Caroline in this highly anticipated and emotionally charged match.  Jessie is well aware that the more mature Caroline wants to take her down a few notches and seeks to avenge her younger sister by beating the arrogant 20-year old student.  When their names are called to fight, they remove their robes revealing Caroline’s cute white bikini with pink and lavender pastel colours and Jessie’s black bikini bottom with multi-coloured top.  Once they are in their bikinis, they are introduced to the audience and strike a pose by flexing their biceps before beginning the match.

Mature married 134 lb Caroline strikes a
pose and looks confident before the match
Caroline looks at how small her opponent Jessie appears when she stands in front of her.  Caroline is so confident that she is going to take the little brat apart in this fight and avenge her sister's loss.  She thinks to herself: "There is no way that I will let this shitty little 20-year old student get away with hurting my sister.  She'll find out soon enough what it's like to be beat by a real woman, a stronger, taller 34-year old angry married woman.  I want her badly."

Young 120 lb brat Jessie strikes a pose
as she stares at Caroline before the match

The 20-year old student Jessie stares right at Caroline as she flexes her biceps.  Larger women have never intimidated her and she is ready to take on the big sister seeking vengeance for her younger sibling.

The women are then asked to remove their tops and meet in the middle of the room.  They are given instructions by the ref on what is, and is not, allowed in this pins and submissions wrestling match.  They are asked to shake hands as is usually done before the fighters begin what are typically intense, but friendly competitive matches.

To Caroline’s surprise, Jessie extends her hand, but Caroline isn’t too sure about this, as she really doesn’t trust her opponent, but she speaks up: “Even if you’re an arrogant bitch, I’ll shake your hand just to show you that unlike you, I have class”.  Caroline moves closer and extends her right hand to shake Jessie’s.  When Caroline is close enough to Jessie, she lowers her eyes so her right hand can shake Jessie’s right hand.  In a sudden lighting fast move, Jessie slaps Caroline’s face with her left hand, not too hard, but just enough to insult her, then quickly backs away smiling and taunting her: “So big bad sister Caroline’s going to avenge her crybaby sister?  I don’t think so…!”  Caroline is furious and starts to lunge towards Jessie as the ref holds her back telling her to calm down or she’ll disqualify both combatants and there won’t be any match.  Caroline backs away while pointing her finger at Jessie and shouting: “You’re mine, bitch.  You’re mine.”

The ref reminds both combatants to stick to the rules or the match will be forfeited.  As soon as she gives the OK for the women to fight, they approach each other cautiously then lock their bodies together as they clinch.

You can see the size differential as the more mature, taller and heavier married
real estate agent Caroline locks up against the young single student Jessie
Caroline suddenly moves right up to Jessie and pushes her heavier body forward to take the arrogant bitch down.  It works, as Jessie falls backwards with Caroline right on top of her.  But Jessie fights back to avoid being pinned by her larger opponent.

Caroline pushes forward and Jessie falls on her back, but fights to avoid being pinned

Amy, Mike and Caroline's husband Ron are screaming their lungs out in excitement as they see the big sister Caroline take the arrogant student down on the mat and is in control of the match.  Caroline keeps pushing forward and now Jessie is on her back.  She puts her arm around Jessie's neck and maintains control of this fight.  Jessie digs her nails into Caroline's side as she struggles to avoid being pinned.

Caroline controls young student Jessie who counters by digging her nails into Caroline's soft skin

Her anger as her motivator, Caroline feels like she's close to upsetting the arrogant Jessie and with her sister and husband cheering her on from the sideline, there's no way Jessie can escape.  Feeling Jessie's fingernails in her side, Caroline gets even more pumped as she will have none of this dirty fighting.  So, she moves in for the kill and goes for a pin.  Jessie is now in serious trouble and needs to act fast before the ref starts counting to ten.   

Caroline has had enough of Jessie's antics and goes for the pin to finish off this young bitch

Caroline looks at the ref, hoping that he'll start counting.  He leans over: "One, two, three, four, five, six..."  .  As the crowd cheers on, both fighters wrestle aggressively, and you can hear their moans, groans and screams, but they stay within the rules.  Caroline is so close to victory that she can smell it.  She finds out quickly though, that Jessie is a lot stronger than she looks and is not easily pinned.  At the count of seven, Jessie bridges to stop the count and avoid defeat.    

At the count of seven, Jessie bridges to narrowly avoid losing to Caroline so early in the match

The smaller Jessie keeps struggling to turn Caroline over, but the heavier woman prevails and still has the adrenaline rush going strong in her quest to avenge her sister's loss and her family's honour, especially against a young, small, arrogant student.  Jesse's body is now sideways as she pushes hard to try to roll big sister Caroline on her back.    

Jessie struggles to get Caroline off of her, but there is no way that Caroline is letting her
Oh no!!!  What is this?  Jessie is outmuscling Caroline as both combatants lay on their side.  Jessie then moves her left leg on top of Caroline and is slowly changing her position from submissive to dominant while Caroline doesn't seem to be able to stop her.   Amy, Mike and Caroline's husband Ron are stunned.  While Amy keeps screaming at her big sister to fight back, Ron's jaw drops.  He can't believe what he sees.  His wife is struggling hard at staying on top, but Jessie keeps pushing hard to roll Caroline on her back.

Jessie is slowly shifting the momentum her way as Caroline tries to fight back
You can clearly hear Caroline's desperate cries over the loud audience noise as she is slowly turned on her back by Jessie:  "Aaarrgghhhh!!  No! No! I can't... I can't!!"  Jessie is now on top position as she grabs Caroline's right wrist with her left arm and forces it to the mat.  Caroline's face says it all as she struggles in vain against her tough young opponent.
Caroline's face shows signs of stress as Jessie gains the upper hand
Caroline fights with all her might to avoid ending up on her back. An intelligent wrestler, Jessie keeps Caroline's left arm secured as the diminutive 20-year old student gains control over the 34-year old big sister.  The difference in size is quite apparent.  Big sister's revenge over the arrogant student is starting to fizzle.  
Jessie's wrestling skills appear to be superior than Caroline's as she gains control of the match

With her left arm pinned, Caroline fights to avoid getting her shoulder pinned as well.  She is in  serious trouble now.  Jessie can smell victory over her more mature opponent.
Jessie is now on top of her heavier opponent.  Caroline has no defines as 

The crowd screams as poor Caroline tries desperately to reverse the direction this match is heading, but Jessie has her own agenda and it's working rather well for her.
Jessie holds Caroline's arm on the mat as she totally dominates her   
Incredibly, Jessie now has full mount on top of her more senior opponent who is starting to look weaker as the match progresses: Caroline is vocal in her desperate attempts to keep the pace with Jessie: "Arrgghhh!!  Nooooo!!!  I can't believe this!!  Shit!!" Caroline is in serious trouble as she lets the smaller girl dominate her more and more.  All she can think of is how embarrassed she is in front of her little sister, husband and an enthusiastic crowd. 

Big sister Caroline can't believe that the much smaller Jessie is on top of her
A desperate Caroline bridges, with her sexy butt about 7 inches off the ground in a desperate but futile attempt to get the young student off of her.  Caroline is on the verge of shedding tears as frustration kicks in.  The end looks near for her as Jessie keep the pressure.  Caroline and her entire entourage are in shock.  How could this young arrogant student be so strong and dominant over a tall, strong beauty like Caroline.

SHE'S GOT HER!!!  "No!!  No!!!  C'mon Caroline!!  Fight her!!" Jessie goes for the pin as Caroline's facial expression says it all.  Although Caroline has heart and determination to avenge her sibling, after about 15 minutes of fighting, Jessie shows that she is  the better wrestler as she managed to keep Caroline on the defensive when it counted the most.  Caroline’s 15 minutes are up as Jessie takes full control and goes for a pin as Caroline is seen in this picture with a facial expression that illustrates her frustration while she struggles not to lose.  Desperately trying to get Jessie off of her, Caroline is unable to avoid the pin as the referee counts to 10 and awards the victory to the young student.  Caroline is devastated, and so are her sister and husband who are stunned in disbelief by this upset. 
Jessie seals the victory as she pins a devastated Caroline who is unable to avoid defeat
Jessie sits and fixes her hair as if this was an easy win.  Caroline is left stunned and in disbelief.
A cocky Jessie fixes her hair after her upset win over sexy real estate agent Caroline
As Jessie gets up and walks away with a smirk, she looks over at Amy and points her finger at Caroline, as to say “look at your sister.  I beat her too.”  Caroline sits on the mat, staring at her opponent, looking frustrated, and quite embarrassed to look at her sister and husband following this crushing defeat.  The big sister failed to avenge her younger sibling and honour the family’s reputation.  

An exhausted 31-year old Caroline cannot believe she just lost to a 20-year old student
It seems hard to fathom, but the fact is that the much younger, arrogant 20-year old student Jessie is now the undisputed, dominant alpha-female to both sexy sisters Amy and Caroline who are married and in their 30s.

Monday, 13 July 2015

My wife Karen and her senior director Margaret settle their differences outside of the office by wrestling on a secluded beach...

It’s Tuesday afternoon, around 5 o’clock and I’m sitting in my car waiting for my wife Karen to finish work.  She’s an advisor at the corporate office of a large firm.  Ha!  Here she comes.  She opens the door, sits in and slams it shut.  “Rough day, I see?”  She stares ahead.  “Hmphh.  Drive!  I need to get away from this place.”  So I leave and the ride is pretty quiet.  “Anything you want to talk about honey?”  She looks pissed.  “I’ll tell you later.  Can you finish early tomorrow?  It’s important.  I’d like you to pick me up at around 3:00 and we’ll go directly to the beach.  There’s a nice quiet spot on Sinclair Lake and I want to be there by 4:00”.  The idea sounds good to me so I tell her that I’ll pick her up.

Karen is still pretty quiet all evening and I know there’s something bothering her.  It’s 10 o’clock and she tells me that she wants to go to bed early.  I’m watching TV when she asks: “Can you join me, hun.  I need you tonight.”  I take this as a sign that she either wants to cuddle or have sex to let out her frustration, whatever it is.  So we go to bed early and I sleep naked, so I cuddle her, expecting her to perhaps open up about her day.  She’s still quiet.  She’s wearing small black panties and a white t-shirt.  I’m comfortable and relaxed when she suddenly sits up on the side of the bed, takes of her t-shirt by lifting it above her head then throws it on the floor.  She gets on the bed, on her knees moves towards me, grabs my wrists, pins them above my head and straddles me.  I’m thinking to myself YES!!  We’re having sex.  Then, out of nowhere she blurts out: “Wanna wrestle?”  My adrenaline hits the roof and my heart starts pounding.  Before I have a chance to answer, she lies down on me, pressing her warm body against mine, then she wraps her smoothly shaved legs around mine and grapevines me.  I can feel her body tightening, her hands squeezing my wrists, and her legs extending, spreading mine in the process as I feel like my knees about to pop from the pressure.  She has me pinned on the bed and she says firmly: “Fight me”.  My wife is no slouch.  She works out and is quite strong.  At about 115 lb, she’s not big, but I know that she could handle herself quite well if she ever fought another woman.  Her legs are very strong and she has me firmly pinned.  I weigh about 175 lb and I am trying as hard as I can to get her off of me but she is so aggressive tonight that I can’t shake her off.  Of course, this excites me like nothing else and my dick is hard as an oak tree…  So needless to say, we wrestle as foreplay and have the best sex ever…  What a night!!

The next morning, we get dressed for work and she’s looks tense again.  I jokingly ask her: “You look stressed.  Wanna wrestle?”  She looks at me with a serious grin.  ”OK, honey.  Here’s what’s going.  You know that boney-assed bitch Margaret from work.  That stuck up senior director that I keep telling you about.  She’s my manager’s boss, so technically I work for her.  So, I was presenting at a meeting yesterday and the bitch cuts me off in the middle of my presentation and starts complaining about my strategy.  She made me look like a fool in front of other senior managers.  So I told her off and we started arguing during the meeting until the company president told us to leave and settle our differences outside of the boardroom.  It was an awkward moment.  So, the bitch calls me to her office and I ask her what her fucking problem is.  We almost got into a physical altercation, right in her office.  We can’t stand each other.  So, I told her that she’s lucky we’re not outside because I’d beat the shit out of her.  Now this is where it gets complicated.  She took me up on my challenge.”  I tried to wrap my head around what I just heard.  Umm what do you mean she took you up on it.”  You’re gonna fight it out?”

She took a deep breath and continued her explanation: “We both agreed that there is only one way for us to settle our problem.  It’s like in high school when the hero meets the bully after school and beats the crap out of him.  I know I can take her.  So we mutually agreed to meet after work…, at Lake Sinclair, today at 4h00.  My head starts spinning as I can’t clearly process what I’m thinking.  “Seriously?  Let me get this straight.  You and your senior director are going to fight like school girls after hours? On the beach?  Later today?”  Needless to say, I already have an erection and need more details.  Yes, we agreed to fight and the loser has to obey the winner and leave her alone.  So once I beat the shit out of her, she’ll stop bugging me and I’ll have bragging rights over her.”  Then I ask her the wrong question: “Um, what if you end up losing?  Then what?”  Karen stares me right in the eyeballs and snaps back:  “Are you kidding me?  There’s no way that bitch can take me.  Did you ever see her?  Ugly faced, flat shoes, no tits, skinny ass short haired weakling whore.  I can’t wait to take her down and sit on her face.  I’ll show her whose boss now.”  Now I’m not sure if I’ll be able to go to work today because my mind will be focused on one thing and one thing only.  My lovely wife Karen fighting another woman, on the beach…  I’ll walk around with a hard-on all friggin’ day. 

So I drop my wife to work and as anticipated, my day is a total washout.  I can only think about her fighting this other woman, her senior director no less.  Unbelievably hot and sexy!!  My wife is 31 years old and weighs about 115 lb.  She told me that Margaret is 42 years old and weighs about the same.  They both have small breasts but who cares… all I can think of is that they are going to fight today.   So after what feels like an eternity, I finish early and, as planned, I wait for my wife at 3:00.  She gets in the car, smiles, gives me a kiss and says:  “Let’s do this.  The bitch has it coming.”  I look at her and she’s all pumped up.  I’ve never seen her like this… well, maybe last night…, but never before then.  I ask her how her day went and if she’s still serious about going ahead with this fight. “I’ve never been so sure of anything, honey.  We crossed each other’s path in the ladies room today and we were both civilized.  But we’re going ahead with our fight.  We need to settle our grudge.  Oh, and we went through some rules.  I have some good news for you and some bad news...  

The bad news first: We’re not going to hit, slap or scratch each other.  We still need to go to work tomorrow and not look like we’ve been in a boxing match.  So, we fight hard, kind of like wrestling or grappling, until one of us submits and admits defeat to the better woman.  Me of course…”  I’m okay with that.  I don’t want my wife to get hurt and for me, wrestling or grappling is hotter than punching and scratching anyway.  If that’s the bad news I wonder what the good news can be.  “Now for the good news, for you anyway…  We decided to wrestle topless.  I'm wearing my favorite flowered bikini that you bought me for my birthday and we're taking our tops off.   Woman to woman.  Body to bitch’s body.  I’m so psyched honey.  I can picture myself pinning the bitch and making her beg.  Oh, I want this really badly.”  I would like to tell her that I also want this really badly, but I just smile.

We arrive at the lake and I park the car close to a small sand trail.  There is a silver Mercedes parked nearby.  Karen looks at me and says:  “That her car.  She’s already here.  So this is going to happen.”  She removes her high heel shoes, blouse and skirt, and I see that she already has her bikini underneath.  She ties her hair in a ponytail, checks herself in the visor mirror, smiles and gives me a kiss.  Surprisingly, she looks quite relaxed.  As we walk down the sandy trail toward the beach, Karen stops, pulls my arm to turn me aside and says:  “Listen to me carefully, honey.  No matter what.., I repeat…, no matter what, you will NOT say a word nor will you intervene or interfere in our fight.  You will not stop it for any reason whatsoever.  This is between me and her and the only way we can settle this to our satisfaction is for one of us to make the other submit, without any outside interference.  Got it?  I mean it.  Do you understand what I just said?  This is very important to me.  You can watch, but you must promise that you’ll not do anything else.”  Well, I think her message is quite clear.  So I agree with her terms.  We arrive at this clearing near the water, and Margaret is there, in a pink bikini, sitting on a beach blanket and talking on her cellphone.  Karen puts her hand on my chest to stop me from walking further and says:  “OK.  That’s close enough.  Don’t come any closer.  And stay at least 10 feet away from where we will fight.  I told her that my husband was coming with me.  That arrogant bitch actually said that she was pleased because she’ll be able to beat me in front of you.  The nerve…  Anyway wish me luck and watch me go at her!”  Karen walks away as I admire her sexy ass and legs, and think about how lucky I must be to soon watch her fight another woman, on a secluded beach with no one else but me around.

I watch from about 20 feet away as Margaret gets up and the two women are now face to face, in their bikinis.  I have no idea what they are saying, but it sounds serious.  Karen reaches behind her back and starts unhooking her bikini bra as Margaret turns around and walks toward her blanket.  She unhooks her pink bikini top, and throws it near the blanket, then turns toward Karen, wipes her bare breasts with her hands to remove some sweat from her skin and then both women approach each other, arms extended, ready to pounce.  I feel the tension rise as they try grabbing each other’s hands.  Karen seizes Margaret’s hand and makes the first move.  

My wife Karen makes the first move and tries to twist Margaret's arm.
She tries to twist her arm but Margaret pulls away.  Karen then tries to get her in a headlock but Margaret keeps backing up.  The circle each other r bit, then Margaret makes her move and suddenly the pace picks up like a tornado as the women’s bodies become intertwined and they struggle aggressively and violently to gain an advantage.  I have to stand back as they have moved along on the sand and now Margaret has my wife in a headlock and twists her body as Karen tries to escape.  Margaret extends her left leg and tries to trip Karen to make her fall down on her back.  After a few attempts, she succeeds.  Holy shit!  Karen flies right off the ground feet in the air almost like a judo throw and she ends up on her back with a thud.  Margaret then jumps on my wife and holds her in what appears to be a front choke hold.  Her heels digging in the sand Karen tries to fight her boss off of her, but Margaret is securing and tightening her hold even more.  Karen's shoulders are pinned on the sand as Margaret lies on top of her in a cross body position.  Karen has her right arm around Margaret's neck, but has no effect on her opponent.
My wife Karen is on her back and Margaret works her over as their feet dig in the sand. 
The women aren’t talking or taunting each other.  All I can hear is the moans, groans and sounds of a struggle.  I can't believe how aggressive the women are.  It is obvious that they dislike each other and are very competitive.  Margaret remains on top and appears to be in control so far as Karen moves around in the sand, squirming to escape the many holds that Margaret keeps applying.  I'm rooting for my wife, but can't help being aroused by seeing another woman seriously dominating her in a wrestling match.
Margaret is in control so far as Karen tries to move around to escape her many holds. 
Margaret tries to get in a better position to mount Karen and possibly straddle her.  But Karen holds on to Margaret with her arms as Margaret drags her body on the sand.  "Come on Karen.  She's soundly beating you, honey.  Fight harder."  This is incredible.  I'm thinking that last night, my wife who I consider strong had me firmly pinned in bed, and today, she's being thoroughly dominated by a woman of roughly her same size and weight.  That senior director of her's must go to the gym, because she looks pretty strong.  

Margaret tries to get into a better position but Karen holds on desperately.
Margaret now has her legs on each side of Karen, but before she gets in position to mount Karen, my wife wraps her legs around Margaret's midsection and squeezes with all her might.  I could hear her moan and grunt as she tries desperately to get any advantage that she can.  "Come on Karen.  Squeeze her..." 

With Margaret still on top, my wife wraps her legs around her waist and squeezes with all her might  
Margaret gets on her feet but Karen won't let go of her body scissors hold.  Karen pulls Margaret's head towards her as she tries to get a submission, but Margaret won't have any of that as she strains to lift her head to get in a more dominant position.

Karen pulls Margaret's head toward her as she squeezes her waist in a failed submission attempt
After a long struggle, Karen can't hold on Margaret's head anymore and releases her grip.  Margaret immediately lifts her body higher off the ground and grabs Karen's wrists to prevent her from pulling Margaret down again.  Karen won't let go of her scissors.  I'm looking at my wife in complete amazement: a businesswoman, topless, on a secluded beach, wrestling with intensity and passion against a senior director from her office.   I can sense the animosity between these two very intelligent, highly educated, well-payed women in their 30s and 40s, fighting like two high school girls over a boyfriend.  But these are mature women wrestling, not high school kids...   

Margaret is on her feet as my wife keeps her body scissors locked
Margaret turns around as if she was attempting a scorpion hold.  Karen lets go of her scissors before being caught in the submission hold.  Still on the ground, my wife tries to get up, but Margaret quickly gets her legs wrapped around Karen's head as she grabs my wife's left arm and pulls it toward her.  My wife makes sounds as if she is in serious pain, but she hangs on.  Margaret tightens her strong legs as she goes for a head scissors hold.  She really works my wife over.  I hear Karen sounding upset:  "Arghhh!!  Bitch! Unghhh!!"  She grabs Margaret's arm but can't free herself this way.  Oh my God!!!  I think it's over.  My poor wife is in a heap of trouble and can't escape the tight hold.  Margaret shouts out in a stern tone: "GIVE?"  Karen is hurting.  She replies: "Nooo!  Nooo!"

Margaret in full control asks my wife if she submits.  Karen cries out that she won't submit.
Oh no!!!  Margaret rolls her body 90 degrees and takes Karen along with her.  She then pulls my wife closer to her with her arms in what looks like a choke hold, then adjusts her her strong legs around my poor wife's waist and squeezes in a tight body scissors hold.  The beach is no longer quiet as my wife lets out a loud scream of agony:  "Arghhhh!!!  Owww! Arghhhhh!!"  Margaret shouts over Karen's screams: "GIVE?  I'll break your ribs if you don't give, bitch."  Karen kicks her legs in one last ditch effort to escape the python hold around her waist.  I feel bad for my wife.  She's in such agony. I finally raise my voice loud enough for my wife to clearly hear me:  "C'mon Karen.  Don't give honey.  Fight her babe, fight her."  My wife answers back to me in a tone of anguish and despair: "I can't.  I can't.  Arghhh!!  No!  No! Arghhh!!"  Again, Margaret shouts out: "GIVE?  You're going nowhere honey.  I'll make you give if it breaks you in two."  Karen sounds like she's sobbing: "No!  Arghhh!  No!  I can't lose in front of my husband.  Arghhh!"  Margaret replies in a bitchy tone as she tightens her legs even more around Karen's helpless body:  "You should have thought of that before taking me on in front of him.  Now this is your last chance bitch.  GIVE!!"  Karen is finished, exhausted, unable to escape this submission hold:  "Arghh! OK! OK! I give! I give!  You win.  You're the better woman."

Margaret releases the hold, gets up and walk away and as she walks she says: "Remember our bet.  You're mine now, honey!"  I run over to Karen as she holds her stomach with her arms, visibly in pain.  I ask her if she's ok.  She looks at me and although her eyes are red, her body is sore and her pride is shot down, she says: "Damn, she's good.  I'll give her that.  But you know what, I lost this fight, but I caught the bug.  I want to wrestle again, win or lose.  The experience is exhilarating.  I'll have to deal with her at work, but I want to fight again, but against someone else."  Well, of course I'm not going to argue with her.

Even with her sore ribs, we wrestled that night as a prelude to sex, and the sex was out of this world, and has been ever since.  Hmmm... We're still looking to find her more opponents. 

Saturday, 4 April 2015

After a controversial draw in armwrestling, 161 lb country girl Miranda wrestles against 155 lb. housewife Victoria to settle the score in front of Victoria’s husband and their close friends

The Oklahoma State Fair is once again holding its Annual Arm Wrestling Classic in which men and women compete and earn the title of arm wrestling champion. Although there are five weight classes for men, there are only two for women; the Featherweight division for women under 144 lb and the tough Open Division for the big strong women weighing 145 lb and above. Women come from all over the state to compete. There are 26 women in the Featherweight division and 18 the Open class. As the competition progresses and the winners move up and the losers are eliminated, it is becoming obvious that two women in particular are dominating the Open division and will more than likely be meeting for the final which should be a barnburner. 161 lb country girl Miranda Anderson from Wichita Falls has eliminated each of her opponents in under 8 seconds, while 153 lb housewife Victoria Richards from Tulsa is beating larger women who weigh well over 200 lb. At the end of the day, the highly anticipated match between these two top competitors takes place as anticipated.

29-year old country girl Miranda was raised on a ranch on the outskirts of Wichita Falls and, being a big girl to begin with, has become a powerful woman with a natural strength to reckon with.  Miranda arrives at the table wearing a white camisole that exposes her muscular biceps and strong upper body with black cowgirl boots, with those oh-so tight jeans that could barely hold her curvy legs and ass.  She removes her cowboy boots, fixes her hair into a pony tail and walks up barefoot onto the stage and to the table. She does a few arm stretches while she waits for her opponent to arrive.

32-year old Tulsa housewife Victoria arrives with her husband Steve beside her and she is wearing body hugging black leggings and a light blue v-neck t-shirt in which she rolls up the sleeves to also expose her bulging biceps ans sharply upper body. Victoria shake her loose hair, slides out of her flat shoes, gets a hug and a kiss from her hubby and also walks up to the table barefoot.

These ladies are now as cold as ice… They don’t shake hands. They just stand there staring at each other to psych the other woman out. The referee tells them to approach the table and place their right elbow on the pad, grasp the handle with their left hand and lock their right hands together. As the crowd quiets down, one could sense the extreme tension and excitement as these two powerful undefeated women finally meet to determine who will reign as 2015 arm wrestling champion.  The women adjust their bodies to the table and hook their right leg to a table leg to maximize their leverage. They adjust their arms, move their fingers in precise positons as any small misalignment could mean the difference between winning and losing. They move their upper bodies against the table and are now staring in the air, taking deep breaths, as you see their neck veins pump up and their whole bodies tense up. Their finger grip tightens, forearms bulge and biceps firm up. These two top females, a country girl and a housewife are now ready to go at it…

The referee holds their hands in place, the crowd goes silent. “Are you ready ladies?” They both nod quickly. “Ready…. Set… GO!!! He quickly releases their hands and as predicted, it is a clash of the female titans as both women explode as their faces strain, their bodies lean to the left and their arms shake from the extreme power being exhorted.

Hands are locked tight, biceps are bulging and these powerful women are ready to arm wrestle
“Arghhh!!! Ugh!!!” both women scream out their emotions to release the tension and give them the added strength to emerge as the victor in what is so far an dead-even match. As the crowd now shouts, screams and cheers, both women are pulling hard, with every ounce of strength they can find. Their arms have moved back and forth no more than three inches. They pull hard, really hard, as their faces are red, teeth grinding, legs tightly hooked to the table. 

This explosive arm wrestling match goes on for an unbelievable 3 minutes when the referee comments that it has never happened before, but if there is no winner after 5 minutes, it is declared a draw.  As a result, although both women will share the top spot, there will be no champion. The crowd is going crazy and now there is about one minute left. Curvy country girl Miranda who had never gone more than 8 seconds because of her explosive starts is beginning to show hints of weakening a bit. Amazingly strong housewife Vicky is slowly pulling the country girl’s arm towards her.  She’s leaning further… both women’s arms are shaking. Vicky’s teeth are clenched, while Miranda’s blue eyes are starting to show some concern. As the crowd is screaming, there are 30 seconds left and Miranda’s arm is about three inches from the pad. 

30 seconds left and Vicky is so close to winning,
but Miranda's arm is still three inches away from the table
“Arrrggghhhh!!! Vicky moves her body in a better position to pin her opponent’s arm, but Miranda just won’t give up. 20 seconds to go… Down to two inches… A mere two inches to go before the housewife is declared arm wrestling champ.  The country girl digs in deep and holds off her opponent. 10 seconds to go. 9-8-7-6-5… One inch. One lousy inch away from victory.  Vicky’s upper body is virtually horizontal but her arm needs one last pull. 4-3 “Arrghh!” 2-1. The referee shouts: “Time out”. But the women aren’t stopping. “OK ladies, it’s a draw. You can let go. There’s no winner this year.” He grabs their hands and firmly says: “That’s enough ladies. Stop it!!” 

As they finally release their finger lock, housewife Vicky slams her fist on the table. “I had her!! I needed one more second. Why do you have a silly time limit? I was winning.” Miranda looks relieved. Vicky looks over at her and says: “There’s no way you could have come back from that. I had you. I want a rematch.” The referee says, “Sorry ladies, but it’ll have to wait until next year.” Vicky is furious. “I can’t wait another year. I want to beat you now, not next year.” Miranda smiles and replies: “Well, I can wait. So you’ll have to figure out some other way to beat me.” As her husband tries to hold her back, Vicky shouts back: “OK missy. How about a wrestling match, or are you scared of losing at that too?” Miranda’s face turns serious: “Hey, I’m not afraid of you. I can take you anytime in a wrestling match. Tell me when and where, and I’ll be there.” Vicky, visibly upset, quickly answers back: “My place. Tomorrow night. I have mats. Bring some witnesses. And trust me, it won’t be a draw.”  Vicky looks over at her husband: “Hey honey, can you write down our address and give it to Miss Cowgirl here so she won’t get lost.” Steve writes down the coordinates and hands them over to Miranda who replies: “This should be good.  In case you’re wondering, I wrestled against boys in high school.  See you tomorrow!”

The next night, Miranda arrives at Steve and Vicky’s house with two of her female friends, while Vicky’s husband Steve and one of her closest friends act as her witnesses.  All six go downstairs, and the two powerful women step on the mat and face each other.  

Miranda starts the discussion: “Ok. I’m the guest, so here’s what I propose.  We fight a pins and submission match.  If it’s a pin, the witnesses can count to 10.  If it’s a submission, the loser has to say I give.  No punching, kicking, scratching or eye gouging.  Anything else is fair game.” Vicky replies: “Fine by me. I’ll beat you anyway. But I’m not fighting in these clothes.” She unbuttons her blouse and hands it over to her husband Steve. She then removes her tight slacks revealing small beige sheer thong panties. Standing in front of her opponent in her see-through bra and panties, she then tells her rival: “Well, what are you waiting for?  Take off your clothes woman. I’m not fighting you unless you undress like me.” Miranda smirks and then slides her t-shirt over her head, but she’s not wearing a bra. Standing topless, she then removes her jeans revealing a dark brown mini thong that barely covers her thick ass. “Your turn, bitch! I’m topless. You know what to do. You wanted this.  Now take it off woman.” Without hesitation, Vicky removes her bra and throws it towards Steve.  

As the witnesses find a place to sit, both women approach each other, barefoot, in nothing but the smallest thongs. With their round butts and shapely legs firmly planted, they place their hands on their hips and have a short stare down. Two thick, strong women, each weighing in the 160 lb. range, are about to fight, and only one can emerge as the winner, the country cowgirl against the city housewife.  Having come so close to winning the arm wrestling contest, housewife Vicky feels confident that she can also beat country girl Miranda in a real fight.

Now it’s Vicky’s turn to speak first: “Ready to fight me, cowbitch? C’mon. Show me what you got.” Miranda lunges forward and the fight is on.  Both women lock their fingers together and start off in what looks like a tit fight as their bodies are pressed against each other. Their thick legs push their bodies harder against their opponent’s and the small group of witnesses starts to shout and cheer for their combatant.  

We all know how the arm wrestling contest went, but now it’s their thick strong legs that are put to the test as they move around the mats as each tries to take her opponent down to the ground.  They let go of each other’s fingers and in a quick sudden move, Miranda wraps her arms just below Vicky’s round ass and lifts her right off the mats as she pushes forward. With a loud thud, Vicky ends up on her back with Miranda falling on top of her. Vicky wraps her legs around Miranda’s waist and locks her size 8 feet together tightly and goes for a body scissors hold in an attempt to avoid the mount from Miranda. They fall sideways and Vicky now has her strong legs wrapped around Miranda’s mid-section as she grabs her opponent’s hair with her left hand and slithers her right arm around Miranda’s neck in a combination body scissors and choke hold. Miranda moans as Vicky moves her legs up and tightens them around the cowgirl’s ribs. Miranda tries to avoid the body scissors by holding Vicky's right foot between her thighs preventing them from locking up.  Vicky keeps the pressure on Miranda's neck.  The 153 lb housewife seems to be dominating the 161 lb country girl.

Using her massive legs, Miranda bridges up and tries to turn over. With her right size 9 foot planted on the mats and her left leg in the air to gain leverage, Miranda fight hard but loses this battle and is slammed back on the mat.  Vicky turns Miranda over as she keeps squeezing her mid-section.  She goes for Miranda's chin and pulls hard in an attempt to make the cowgirl submit.  The air is tense as these strong women fight with no mercy.  Vicky is really pouring it on as she wanted the arm wrestling championship so bad that she lets out her frustration by punishing Miranda.  

Blonde housewife Vicky is relentless as she attacks cowgirl Miranda with no mercy
Miranda's face and neck are turning red from the extreme pressure that Vicky is putting on.  It looks like Miranda may submit soon.  Miranda manages to slip her right arm away from Vicky's scissors and she quickly goes for the blondes hair and pulls as hard as she can to the side, yanking Vicky's neck to the point that she loosens her neck and body holds just enough for Miranda to turn her body around.  Now facing each other on the ground, Miranda quickly rolls on top of Vicky and slides her body up.  Suddenly, it is now Miranda who is in control as she goes for a pin while not only locking her legs around Vicky's waist but also wrapping her arms around Vicky's and tightening them up, as they're now stretched over Vicky's head.  In a stunning reversal, and with both women visibly exhausted, cowgirl Miranda has taken control of this match and is now on top of housewife Vicky as she goes for the pin.

The tables are turned as country girl Miranda is now on top of housewife Vicky and pins her
Vicky feels the pressure of Miranda's thick legs around her waist and tries to control her breathing, but country girl Miranda will not ease up.  Knowing that she's in full control of the opponent, Miranda shouts at Vicky: "GIVE?"  Vicky quickly shouts back: "NEVER".  Miranda then rebuttals: "Yeah?  We'll see about that bitch."  Miranda grabs Vicky's right wrist with her left hand and puts her right arm around Vicky's neck.  Her strong body maintaining its top position, Miranda places her upper body in position to smother Vicky with her body weight as Vicky's face disappears under her opponent's chest.

Vicky is in deep trouble as Miranda pins her firmly while she holds her arm and neck
Vicky is in deep trouble as her husband is going crazy on the sidelines: "C'mon Vicky!!  You had her, honey.  What happened?  Get her off.  Bridge.  Fight her, babe.  Fight!!  She's winning." Vicky moans and gasps for air as Miranda keeps her smothered with the weight of her upper body on top of Vicky's chest.  Vicky sounds desperate as she answers back to Steve:  "I'm stuck.  I'm pinned.  I can't breathe."  Vicky plants her feet firmly and tries to bridge out of the pin an a last ditch effort to push Miranda to her side.  It doesn't work and Miranda is still on top.   

Miranda knows that Vicky is close to defeat.  She moves her legs up and stays on top of Vicky in what looks like a straddle.  She does not let go of Vicky's strong arm. Miranda could lean over and press her 161 lb. body weight against Vicky’s and go for a grapevine, but she looks content with this dominant position, with her thick legs holding Vicky’s body in place to prevent her from turning or bridging, and with her breasts mere inches above Vicky’s face, threatening to really smother the blonde housewife at will. 

With her breasts mere inches from Vicky's face, Miranda let's Jackie count to ten for the win
As this goes on, sitting on the chair behind the fighters is Jackie, one of Miranda’s friends. You can see her hand as she prevents Miranda’s head from hitting the chair.  Jackie starts the count to ten as Steve still voices his concerns to his wife who is completely trapped under her strong opponent and is in a very bad position.  Steve tries agains to motivate his wife to fight harder: “C’mon honey.  Fight her!! You’re supposed to be stronger than her. Kick your legs! Bridge again! Try to pull her hair. C’mon Vicky, do something, babe. Fight her!! You can’t lose this match, honey.  this is supposed to be your revenge for the draw in the arm wrestling match.  You were winning." All Steve can hear from Vicky is her moans and gasps as she tries to fight of the pin.  

The count begins. "1-2-3…" Vicky is upset and angrily shouts at Miranda: “Get your fucking tits out of my face bitch.” Miranda answers back: “Who’s the bitch now, huh? C’mon. Fight me. Shit! Is that all you got? I said fight me, bitch! Fight!” "4-5-6…" Steve steps in again: “C’mon honey, think about how you almost won the arm wrestling contest. Fight back! You can win this match. Don’t give up.” With a look of desperation, Vicky answers back to Steve. “I can’t! I can’t! She’s got me.” "7-8…" Vicky tries to kick her way out, and can’t bridge as her sweaty feet slip on the mat. She’s exhausted and her strong opponent is becoming too heavy for our desperate housewife. "9…" “Arghhh!!! Fucking bitch. Noooo!!” "10… PINNED!! Miranda is the winner.”  

Miranda stays on top of Vicky for a few more seconds and taunts her: “Don’t ever fuck with a cowgirl, bitch. Remember that. You see, you never won the arm wrestling contest. But I won what counts the most. I beat you fair and square in a real fight. And you’re mine now. Deal with that!” As Miranda gets up to the cheers of her friends, Steve consoles Vicky who lies on the mats, exhausted, upset, drained, disappointed, angry and frustrated, all at the same time as she hides her sweat-soaked face with her hands.

The results are incontestable: Country girl -1, Housewife - 0.