Saturday, 4 April 2015

After a controversial draw in armwrestling, 161 lb country girl Miranda wrestles against 155 lb. housewife Victoria to settle the score in front of Victoria’s husband and their close friends

The Oklahoma State Fair is once again holding its Annual Arm Wrestling Classic in which men and women compete and earn the title of arm wrestling champion. Although there are five weight classes for men, there are only two for women; the Featherweight division for women under 144 lb and the tough Open Division for the big strong women weighing 145 lb and above. Women come from all over the state to compete. There are 26 women in the Featherweight division and 18 the Open class. As the competition progresses and the winners move up and the losers are eliminated, it is becoming obvious that two women in particular are dominating the Open division and will more than likely be meeting for the final which should be a barnburner. 161 lb country girl Miranda Anderson from Wichita Falls has eliminated each of her opponents in under 8 seconds, while 153 lb housewife Victoria Richards from Tulsa is beating larger women who weigh well over 200 lb. At the end of the day, the highly anticipated match between these two top competitors takes place as anticipated.

29-year old country girl Miranda was raised on a ranch on the outskirts of Wichita Falls and, being a big girl to begin with, has become a powerful woman with a natural strength to reckon with.  Miranda arrives at the table wearing a white camisole that exposes her muscular biceps and strong upper body with black cowgirl boots, with those oh-so tight jeans that could barely hold her curvy legs and ass.  She removes her cowboy boots, fixes her hair into a pony tail and walks up barefoot onto the stage and to the table. She does a few arm stretches while she waits for her opponent to arrive.

32-year old Tulsa housewife Victoria arrives with her husband Steve beside her and she is wearing body hugging black leggings and a light blue v-neck t-shirt in which she rolls up the sleeves to also expose her bulging biceps ans sharply upper body. Victoria shake her loose hair, slides out of her flat shoes, gets a hug and a kiss from her hubby and also walks up to the table barefoot.

These ladies are now as cold as ice… They don’t shake hands. They just stand there staring at each other to psych the other woman out. The referee tells them to approach the table and place their right elbow on the pad, grasp the handle with their left hand and lock their right hands together. As the crowd quiets down, one could sense the extreme tension and excitement as these two powerful undefeated women finally meet to determine who will reign as 2015 arm wrestling champion.  The women adjust their bodies to the table and hook their right leg to a table leg to maximize their leverage. They adjust their arms, move their fingers in precise positons as any small misalignment could mean the difference between winning and losing. They move their upper bodies against the table and are now staring in the air, taking deep breaths, as you see their neck veins pump up and their whole bodies tense up. Their finger grip tightens, forearms bulge and biceps firm up. These two top females, a country girl and a housewife are now ready to go at it…

The referee holds their hands in place, the crowd goes silent. “Are you ready ladies?” They both nod quickly. “Ready…. Set… GO!!! He quickly releases their hands and as predicted, it is a clash of the female titans as both women explode as their faces strain, their bodies lean to the left and their arms shake from the extreme power being exhorted.

Hands are locked tight, biceps are bulging and these powerful women are ready to arm wrestle
“Arghhh!!! Ugh!!!” both women scream out their emotions to release the tension and give them the added strength to emerge as the victor in what is so far an dead-even match. As the crowd now shouts, screams and cheers, both women are pulling hard, with every ounce of strength they can find. Their arms have moved back and forth no more than three inches. They pull hard, really hard, as their faces are red, teeth grinding, legs tightly hooked to the table. 

This explosive arm wrestling match goes on for an unbelievable 3 minutes when the referee comments that it has never happened before, but if there is no winner after 5 minutes, it is declared a draw.  As a result, although both women will share the top spot, there will be no champion. The crowd is going crazy and now there is about one minute left. Curvy country girl Miranda who had never gone more than 8 seconds because of her explosive starts is beginning to show hints of weakening a bit. Amazingly strong housewife Vicky is slowly pulling the country girl’s arm towards her.  She’s leaning further… both women’s arms are shaking. Vicky’s teeth are clenched, while Miranda’s blue eyes are starting to show some concern. As the crowd is screaming, there are 30 seconds left and Miranda’s arm is about three inches from the pad. 

30 seconds left and Vicky is so close to winning,
but Miranda's arm is still three inches away from the table
“Arrrggghhhh!!! Vicky moves her body in a better position to pin her opponent’s arm, but Miranda just won’t give up. 20 seconds to go… Down to two inches… A mere two inches to go before the housewife is declared arm wrestling champ.  The country girl digs in deep and holds off her opponent. 10 seconds to go. 9-8-7-6-5… One inch. One lousy inch away from victory.  Vicky’s upper body is virtually horizontal but her arm needs one last pull. 4-3 “Arrghh!” 2-1. The referee shouts: “Time out”. But the women aren’t stopping. “OK ladies, it’s a draw. You can let go. There’s no winner this year.” He grabs their hands and firmly says: “That’s enough ladies. Stop it!!” 

As they finally release their finger lock, housewife Vicky slams her fist on the table. “I had her!! I needed one more second. Why do you have a silly time limit? I was winning.” Miranda looks relieved. Vicky looks over at her and says: “There’s no way you could have come back from that. I had you. I want a rematch.” The referee says, “Sorry ladies, but it’ll have to wait until next year.” Vicky is furious. “I can’t wait another year. I want to beat you now, not next year.” Miranda smiles and replies: “Well, I can wait. So you’ll have to figure out some other way to beat me.” As her husband tries to hold her back, Vicky shouts back: “OK missy. How about a wrestling match, or are you scared of losing at that too?” Miranda’s face turns serious: “Hey, I’m not afraid of you. I can take you anytime in a wrestling match. Tell me when and where, and I’ll be there.” Vicky, visibly upset, quickly answers back: “My place. Tomorrow night. I have mats. Bring some witnesses. And trust me, it won’t be a draw.”  Vicky looks over at her husband: “Hey honey, can you write down our address and give it to Miss Cowgirl here so she won’t get lost.” Steve writes down the coordinates and hands them over to Miranda who replies: “This should be good.  In case you’re wondering, I wrestled against boys in high school.  See you tomorrow!”

The next night, Miranda arrives at Steve and Vicky’s house with two of her female friends, while Vicky’s husband Steve and one of her closest friends act as her witnesses.  All six go downstairs, and the two powerful women step on the mat and face each other.  

Miranda starts the discussion: “Ok. I’m the guest, so here’s what I propose.  We fight a pins and submission match.  If it’s a pin, the witnesses can count to 10.  If it’s a submission, the loser has to say I give.  No punching, kicking, scratching or eye gouging.  Anything else is fair game.” Vicky replies: “Fine by me. I’ll beat you anyway. But I’m not fighting in these clothes.” She unbuttons her blouse and hands it over to her husband Steve. She then removes her tight slacks revealing small beige sheer thong panties. Standing in front of her opponent in her see-through bra and panties, she then tells her rival: “Well, what are you waiting for?  Take off your clothes woman. I’m not fighting you unless you undress like me.” Miranda smirks and then slides her t-shirt over her head, but she’s not wearing a bra. Standing topless, she then removes her jeans revealing a dark brown mini thong that barely covers her thick ass. “Your turn, bitch! I’m topless. You know what to do. You wanted this.  Now take it off woman.” Without hesitation, Vicky removes her bra and throws it towards Steve.  

As the witnesses find a place to sit, both women approach each other, barefoot, in nothing but the smallest thongs. With their round butts and shapely legs firmly planted, they place their hands on their hips and have a short stare down. Two thick, strong women, each weighing in the 160 lb. range, are about to fight, and only one can emerge as the winner, the country cowgirl against the city housewife.  Having come so close to winning the arm wrestling contest, housewife Vicky feels confident that she can also beat country girl Miranda in a real fight.

Now it’s Vicky’s turn to speak first: “Ready to fight me, cowbitch? C’mon. Show me what you got.” Miranda lunges forward and the fight is on.  Both women lock their fingers together and start off in what looks like a tit fight as their bodies are pressed against each other. Their thick legs push their bodies harder against their opponent’s and the small group of witnesses starts to shout and cheer for their combatant.  

We all know how the arm wrestling contest went, but now it’s their thick strong legs that are put to the test as they move around the mats as each tries to take her opponent down to the ground.  They let go of each other’s fingers and in a quick sudden move, Miranda wraps her arms just below Vicky’s round ass and lifts her right off the mats as she pushes forward. With a loud thud, Vicky ends up on her back with Miranda falling on top of her. Vicky wraps her legs around Miranda’s waist and locks her size 8 feet together tightly and goes for a body scissors hold in an attempt to avoid the mount from Miranda. They fall sideways and Vicky now has her strong legs wrapped around Miranda’s mid-section as she grabs her opponent’s hair with her left hand and slithers her right arm around Miranda’s neck in a combination body scissors and choke hold. Miranda moans as Vicky moves her legs up and tightens them around the cowgirl’s ribs. Miranda tries to avoid the body scissors by holding Vicky's right foot between her thighs preventing them from locking up.  Vicky keeps the pressure on Miranda's neck.  The 153 lb housewife seems to be dominating the 161 lb country girl.

Using her massive legs, Miranda bridges up and tries to turn over. With her right size 9 foot planted on the mats and her left leg in the air to gain leverage, Miranda fight hard but loses this battle and is slammed back on the mat.  Vicky turns Miranda over as she keeps squeezing her mid-section.  She goes for Miranda's chin and pulls hard in an attempt to make the cowgirl submit.  The air is tense as these strong women fight with no mercy.  Vicky is really pouring it on as she wanted the arm wrestling championship so bad that she lets out her frustration by punishing Miranda.  

Blonde housewife Vicky is relentless as she attacks cowgirl Miranda with no mercy
Miranda's face and neck are turning red from the extreme pressure that Vicky is putting on.  It looks like Miranda may submit soon.  Miranda manages to slip her right arm away from Vicky's scissors and she quickly goes for the blondes hair and pulls as hard as she can to the side, yanking Vicky's neck to the point that she loosens her neck and body holds just enough for Miranda to turn her body around.  Now facing each other on the ground, Miranda quickly rolls on top of Vicky and slides her body up.  Suddenly, it is now Miranda who is in control as she goes for a pin while not only locking her legs around Vicky's waist but also wrapping her arms around Vicky's and tightening them up, as they're now stretched over Vicky's head.  In a stunning reversal, and with both women visibly exhausted, cowgirl Miranda has taken control of this match and is now on top of housewife Vicky as she goes for the pin.

The tables are turned as country girl Miranda is now on top of housewife Vicky and pins her
Vicky feels the pressure of Miranda's thick legs around her waist and tries to control her breathing, but country girl Miranda will not ease up.  Knowing that she's in full control of the opponent, Miranda shouts at Vicky: "GIVE?"  Vicky quickly shouts back: "NEVER".  Miranda then rebuttals: "Yeah?  We'll see about that bitch."  Miranda grabs Vicky's right wrist with her left hand and puts her right arm around Vicky's neck.  Her strong body maintaining its top position, Miranda places her upper body in position to smother Vicky with her body weight as Vicky's face disappears under her opponent's chest.

Vicky is in deep trouble as Miranda pins her firmly while she holds her arm and neck
Vicky is in deep trouble as her husband is going crazy on the sidelines: "C'mon Vicky!!  You had her, honey.  What happened?  Get her off.  Bridge.  Fight her, babe.  Fight!!  She's winning." Vicky moans and gasps for air as Miranda keeps her smothered with the weight of her upper body on top of Vicky's chest.  Vicky sounds desperate as she answers back to Steve:  "I'm stuck.  I'm pinned.  I can't breathe."  Vicky plants her feet firmly and tries to bridge out of the pin an a last ditch effort to push Miranda to her side.  It doesn't work and Miranda is still on top.   

Miranda knows that Vicky is close to defeat.  She moves her legs up and stays on top of Vicky in what looks like a straddle.  She does not let go of Vicky's strong arm. Miranda could lean over and press her 161 lb. body weight against Vicky’s and go for a grapevine, but she looks content with this dominant position, with her thick legs holding Vicky’s body in place to prevent her from turning or bridging, and with her breasts mere inches above Vicky’s face, threatening to really smother the blonde housewife at will. 

With her breasts mere inches from Vicky's face, Miranda let's Jackie count to ten for the win
As this goes on, sitting on the chair behind the fighters is Jackie, one of Miranda’s friends. You can see her hand as she prevents Miranda’s head from hitting the chair.  Jackie starts the count to ten as Steve still voices his concerns to his wife who is completely trapped under her strong opponent and is in a very bad position.  Steve tries agains to motivate his wife to fight harder: “C’mon honey.  Fight her!! You’re supposed to be stronger than her. Kick your legs! Bridge again! Try to pull her hair. C’mon Vicky, do something, babe. Fight her!! You can’t lose this match, honey.  this is supposed to be your revenge for the draw in the arm wrestling match.  You were winning." All Steve can hear from Vicky is her moans and gasps as she tries to fight of the pin.  

The count begins. "1-2-3…" Vicky is upset and angrily shouts at Miranda: “Get your fucking tits out of my face bitch.” Miranda answers back: “Who’s the bitch now, huh? C’mon. Fight me. Shit! Is that all you got? I said fight me, bitch! Fight!” "4-5-6…" Steve steps in again: “C’mon honey, think about how you almost won the arm wrestling contest. Fight back! You can win this match. Don’t give up.” With a look of desperation, Vicky answers back to Steve. “I can’t! I can’t! She’s got me.” "7-8…" Vicky tries to kick her way out, and can’t bridge as her sweaty feet slip on the mat. She’s exhausted and her strong opponent is becoming too heavy for our desperate housewife. "9…" “Arghhh!!! Fucking bitch. Noooo!!” "10… PINNED!! Miranda is the winner.”  

Miranda stays on top of Vicky for a few more seconds and taunts her: “Don’t ever fuck with a cowgirl, bitch. Remember that. You see, you never won the arm wrestling contest. But I won what counts the most. I beat you fair and square in a real fight. And you’re mine now. Deal with that!” As Miranda gets up to the cheers of her friends, Steve consoles Vicky who lies on the mats, exhausted, upset, drained, disappointed, angry and frustrated, all at the same time as she hides her sweat-soaked face with her hands.

The results are incontestable: Country girl -1, Housewife - 0.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Part 1 of three-part story on my mother’s passion for underground female wrestling

Part 1 – The night I caught my mother wrestling another woman in private

I was 19…  My mom was 47.  It was a warm Saturday night in June in the mid-90s.  I remember it as if it happened last week and I will never forget it.  

It was that dreaded time of the year when we cram for our final exams.  On Friday, I told my mom that I was going to spend the weekend over at my buddy Mark’s place to study for our two exams that coming week.  She said fine and jokingly added: “Yeah, my family’s abandoning me this weekend.  Dad’s going fishing at your uncle Reggie’s cottage, your older sister Emily is out of town with her husband Rick and now you’re going away.  Don’t worry kiddo… I’ll find something to do.”

Feeling a bit guilty, I replied “Are you sure mom?  I can come back here to sleep at home if you don’t want to be alone.  Mark lives only four street blocks away.”  She quickly rebutted: “No, no, son, I’m just kidding.  I’ll be fine.  Besides, I need a little ‘me’ time to catch up on my reading and maybe watch a chick flick.  Seriously, I’m okay with this.  It’ll be nice to take a small needed break.  Go to Mark’s and I’ll see you on Sunday.”  That was my hint that she wanted to spend some time alone, which is great.  She was always busy, so I understood her need for some R & R.  So I packed my stuff on my back pack and rode my bike to Mark’s house.

We studied for most of the day on Saturday, and by about 9:30 p.m., we needed to take a break for some time to relax and change the pace.  So Mark pulled out his Super Nintendo game console, but couldn’t find his games.  Turns out his younger brother had taken them and he didn’t know where they were.  “No worries Mark.  I’ll get my games at my place and I’ll be back in 20 minutes.”  So I took my bike and went home.

Knowing that my mom was alone, I thought that maybe she’d be asleep, so I didn’t want to make any noise.  I slowly unlocked the front door, walked in, removed my running shoes and started walking quietly towards the stairs up to my room.  Just as I got to the stairs, I heard some commotion and strange sounds coming from our living room.  Thinking that my mom was watching TV, I figured that I’d go and say hi, but the closer I got, the more I could clearly hear the sound,  I heard some moans, groans, panting and the words “you bitch” in a friendly tone coming from my mom.  Then, I heard another voice, and it sounded something like “You’re pinned.  C’mon Kathleen, fight me or I win.”  I was thinking to myself: “What the fuck is going on?”  I was really curious, so I snuck up to the living room door and peeked to see what the fuss was about.  What I saw will be engraved in my memory until I die!!

My jaw dropped, my heart started pounding hard and I felt a rush of blood going to my brain.  My 47-year old mom was wrestling against another woman on our living room floor.  There were blue mats that I had never seen before and both women were topless and only wearing thong-like panties.  My mom was being pinned by this strange woman.   And my mom was no slouch.  She was about 5’ 4” tall and I’d guess that she must have weighed around 150 lb.  A good portion of this weigh was in her lower body.  What I mean by that is she had thick thighs and a generous round behind.  After this life-altering experience, I was curious about a million things, one of which was, amazingly, her bra size.  I checked later that week and found out she wore a 34C.

I had no idea who the other woman was.  But she was a big woman.  I’d guess about the same age as my mom, mid to late 40s, short blonde hair, at least 5’ 7” and I’d guess around 160 lb.  She had my mom pinned on the living room floor next to the couch.  I pulled out my cheap camera and took a photo.  It didn’t turn out too well, but it captured the incredible sight of my mom, my own mother, in an intense  wrestling match against a stranger.

I took this picture of my mom being pinned by another woman in our living room
I had mixed emotions and felt perverse as this was extremely erotic for me to watch.  I didn’t want to step in, so I hid behind the door and kept watching them wrestle.  Two mature women in their mid to late 40s, wearing nothing but panties, one of them being my mom, wrestling alone in our living room.  I couldn’t even dream up this stuff.  So I watched as the other woman was clearly dominating my mom who was struggling to get her opponent off of her, but being caught next to the couch, on the hardwood floor off the wrestling mat, she didn’t have much room to move.  They both sounded exhausted and even though the match appeared to be friendly, it was very intense and serious.  They were not giggling and rolling around.  They were fighting for real.  From where I stood, I saw my mom’s thick legs fighting off her opponent’s attempts to catch them in a grapevine with her own strong shapely legs.  The other woman had quite an ass as well, and her bare back was quite impressive, so I thought that there was no way my mom could get out of that hold.  Here’s the killer – I was sexually aroused by this incredible display of intense fighting between two mature women but the fact that my own mom was part of it didn’t seem right.  But that’s how I felt…   

Then, of all the silly things that could happen, I suddenly had an urge to sneeze.  I was thinking to myself “Crap. No. Not now.”  I tried to hold it back, but I couldn’t.  So, I sneezed… Ahhh.  Chooo…

“What the…  Who’s there?”  That was my mom in a panicky voice.  Both women stopped moving for a few seconds, but they didn’t get up.

“Ummm, it’s me mom.”

“Shit, what are you doing here?  You’re not supposed to be here!! Shit! Shit! Shit!  Get off of me Gail, my son is here.”

Hah, that was her opponent’s name.  Gail.  My hormones were stirring up inside, coming up with silly thoughts and then debating them in my head: “I think I have a crush on Gail.  What a woman.  But she’s beating my mom.  No she isn’t.  Mom is fine.  They’re having a friendly match.  So she’s winning.  But what about mom?  Mom’s not hurt.  Look at her.  Mom?  No, Gail.  Now I have a thing for big mature Gail.  Stop it.  You’re getting an erection.”

Gail, still on top of my mother, was not ready to compromise that quickly: “Do you give?”

My mom: “No I don’t give.  My son’s at the door staring at us.  Let me get up.  I just need to talk to him.”

Gail: ”Sooo, you do give then.  I’m not letting you up until you submit.  You know how important this match is to both of us.  We’re even at two apiece and I was winning this one.  Just submit, and I’ll let you get up.”

I was thinking to myself, what?  Two apiece?  That means she’s fought this woman four times before.  Heck, I don’t want to be the reason why she’d lose this match.  So I spoke up: “ That’s okay mom.  Finish your fight.  We can talk later.”

My mom didn’t even reply to me.  She told Gail: “Alright bitch, let’s finish this”, as she got right back into action.

I repeat myself by saying that Gail looked like a very strong woman, and she had my mom on her back, fighting hard.  I was actually surprised that my mom had won two previous fights against her.  Even if my mom was losing, this was exciting to watch so I felt that I had to say something:  “C’mon mom.  Fight her.  Get her off.”  These words seemed to motivate my mom to fight harder.  So I pulled out my cheap camera again and took a few more shots of my mom struggling to get Gail off of her.  She was breathing hard and loudly, and her moans, groans and grunts were genuine, passionate and intense.  I could tell that she was giving it everything she had left, but could not manage to get out of the pin:  “Mmph! Argh! Bitch! Nnoo!”

Once she knew I was watching, my mom fought harder to get her opponent off of her

My mom almost got her opponent off of her, but was too close to the couch to roll her over
Gail muttered in a calm voice: “Do you submit?  C’mon Kathleen, you know I’ve got you.  Stop fighting me.  You’re pinned… in front of your son.  You’re going nowhere, honey.  There’s nothing you can do about it.”

I could sense my mom's frustration as she tried one more time to escape the pin.  It was truly amazing to watch her struggle, with her thick legs bridging and bucking, and her hefty body being restrained and held on the ground by another powerful woman.

Again, the moans and groans of both women were, in my head anyway, very sensual, as their sturdy bodies were put to the test.  My mom was agonizing:  “Agrrh! Nnooo! Mmph! Shit!  I can’t!  I can’t! Damn…  OK! OK! I give. I submit. You win this one”.

After struggling for several minutes, my mom could not escape the pin and finally submitted to Gail

Gail slowly got up and walked towards the living room corner to pick up her robe.  I looked at her from behind, and couldn’t help watching her magnificent body, strong legs, firm round ass and big shoulders.  No wonder my mom lost.  But wait…, she won twice against a woman of that size.  Woah!  I need to ask my mom some questions.  There’s no way she could beat a woman like that without being a strong and skilled fighter herself.  I turned towards my mom who was sitting on the floor, sweating, panting, in her panties, hiding her breasts with her hands as she asked Gail:  “Could you pass me my robe while you’re up, Gail?”  Gail put on her white silk robe, but left it untied as she walked back, handing a black silk robe to my mom.  She must have known that I was staring at her, but pretending to look away whenever she was facing me.  The robe covered her breasts, but to me, it was just as sensual to watch her walk in that robe and her panties, than if she was naked.

My mom asked me to turn around while she put on her robe, tied the belt and got up:  “Son, this is Gail.  Gail, this is my son, George.  Gail is one of my wrestling partners.  I’m sure you have lots of questions.  I’ll let Gail change so she can leave and you and I can have a talk.”

As Gail was in the bathroom changing, I called my buddy Mark and told him that my mom wasn’t feeling well, so I’d stay home with her to ask her, er…, I mean to help her if she needed anything.  I told him that I’d call him the next day.  Before he could answer back, I hung up the phone and raced to the door to see Gail leave.

Gail came out of the bathroom wearing a short skirt, blouse and high heel shoes.  Apparently, she was going out after this match.  I helped Gail and my mom roll up the mat, tie it up, and helped Gail carry it over to her car while my mom, still in her robe, stayed at the door.  E both walked back to our house where Gail and my mom had a small discussion about the fight, then they gave each other a friendly hug and as she walked away, Gail said: “Good match Kathleen.  I’m looking forward to our next one…  Let me know when you’re available.  Nice meeting you George.”  Mom closed the door, turned around and looked at me with a smile.  “I guess you have some questions for me, son.  Now that you know what I’ve been trying to keep secret from you and your sister for over 15 years, I’m sure you’re looking for some answers.  I’ll tell you everything you need to know, so get your questions ready.  Want some coffee?  We may be up all night…”

I’m thinking to myself sarcastically, you think so???

I have a million questions to ask.  So, yeah, I’ll take mine dark roasted, 3 creams, 2 sugars… 

Stay tuned for part 2 where I hear details of my mom's secret life in the world of of underground submission wrestling ...                        


Part 2 of a three-part story on my mother's passion for underground female wrestling

Part 2: My mother revealed details to me on her secret life in the world of underground female wrestling 

Before making some coffee, my mother took a quick shower while I tried to focus my thoughts as I prepared some questions for her.  She came back down in her pyjamas, barefoot, made her coffee, sat on the couch, put her feet up against her in a crouched position and said: “I’m ready George.  Ask me what you want.  I tell you no lies.”

I felt like a journalist for Inside Edition asking questions to my own mother about a subject that was and still is taboo for many people.  “Okay, mom, I’m not sure where to start but first let me say that I thought you did great tonight and that I kind of understand why you’d want to keep this secret from your family.”

Mom: “Secret from our family?  Hmmmm.  Not really son.  It’s a secret from you and Emily, yes.  But believe me, dad is well aware of my wrestling proficiency.   In fact, he got me into this, like, over 20 years ago.”

Me: “20 years?  You’ve been doing this for 20 years?  Wow!  How’d you keep it a secret?”

Mom: “For one thing, I seldom fought at home.  And remember when your dad and I went on a few trips to New York, Toronto, Boston, Montreal, even Miami?  On most of those trips, I had an arranged match with another woman, while your dad and usually the other woman’s husband or boyfriend watched us fight.  We met a lot a really nice people from all walks of life, but also a few, let’s say, not-so-nice people.  Overall, I had intense, competitive and sometimes exhausting fights, but it was really a lot of fun.”

Me: “Really?  That’s why I saw you working out a bit more before some of those trips.  I thought you were trying to get a bikini body or something.”

Mom: “No, no, son.  I enjoy fighting other women, but I also try to win.  A lot of my opponents are in pretty good shape, so if I don’t train a bit for my cardio and muscle tone, I may not last too long.  You saw Gail tonight.  She’s a tough cookie.  I need to step up my game to fight women like her.”

Me: “Where do you find opponents?  They don’t advertise this and I’ve never seen any want ads for women wrestlers.”

Remember, this was in the mid-90s.

Mom: “Well, the internet is relatively new, but I’m aware of a few online sites that I go to, to find opponents.  But a lot of women that I meet are from word of mouth.  We’re kind of a small underground society and many of us know each other and recommend names of other women across North America who enjoy wrestling and catfighting, mostly in private settings.  I’ve also been to a few organized tournaments as well, but I’ve always asked that they respect my privacy.”

Me: “Can you give me some examples of fights you’ve had, mom?  I mean, what the women were like, how often you fought and did you win a lot.”

Mom: “That’s a long question, son.  In a span of over 20 years, I probably fought easily over 150 matches.  And I’ve seen them all.  I started a couple of years before you were born but I think it was after Emily.  Anyway, I guess I was around 25 years old when I had my first match.  I was younger and I wanted to fight women of roughly my same age, but there were a lot of women in their 30s and 40s who were into this and in fact, my first match was against a 40-year old housewife.  I have to tell you a few secrets here George.  Women fight for all kinds of reasons.  Some for sport and fitness, some to impress their husbands who often have a fetish to see their wives fight, some who need to let some steam out, some who like to compete, while some are, how do I say this delicately, turned on by the struggle and close body-to-body contact against other women.  I’ve met them all: married housewives, business executives, waitresses, nurses, students, even a doctor once, a tough bitchy lawyer and I even fought a police officer.  Oh, and yes, in case you wonder, yes, some were lesbians.”

Me: “Er, um, ahh, I’m speechless.  But you didn’t answer my question.”

Mom: “OK, let’s see.  Examples of fights.  Okay, to start, I prefer wrestling, but some women prefer catfighting.  I tried it a couple of times, but I worried that I’d come back home with bruises or a black eye.  They were intense and some had hairpulling, slapping, kicking, scratching, even punching.  I was sore and because I’m not into it as much as these women, I think that I lost all my 8 or 9 catfights.  Remember when you were about 7 or 8 years old and I wore a neck brace?  I told you that I pulled a neck muscle.  Well, let’s say that a certain housewife from New York yanked my hair so hard to the side that my neck was stretched to the point that I had some bruised tendons and required a neck brace for about a week to allow it to heal properly.  You think that men fight dirty or hard.  Trust me, women can be just as vicious, if not more.  So I prefer wrestling where we both test our skills, strength, heart and stamina, but in a more controlled environment than catfighting.  Even with rules, women fight dirty.  I’ve wrestled in many locales, but mostly at someone’s house or apartment, or even a hotel room that we rented.  I fought on carpets, gym mats, mattresses, grass, even sand, and would you believe that some women actually have wrestling rings in their houses garages or backyards.  Mind you some are small and kind of hand-made, but they are well-equipped to hold fighting events right at home.  I’ve seen some well-organized houses.  A couple of them had locked rooms, specially made just for wrestling.  You’d open the door and all you’d have is four walls and mats.  No furniture…  I tried mud wrestling and oil wrestling a couple of times, but I prefer the old fashioned way of  sweaty skin against sweaty skin.”

Me: “Sweaty eh?  Hmmm.  So, does that mean that you didn’t wear much, like tonight?  I mean, two women, in a closely fought battle, fighting so hard that they are all sweaty?  Ahem.  Sorry, eh, eh, I need to adjust my pants.  They’re a bit tight right now…  So mom, do you keep tabs on your win-loss record?”

Mom: “Many women don’t, but I secretly do.  I have a notepad hidden upstairs with the names and physical stats of all the women I’ve fought and whether I won or lost.  There’ no true pattern, but I think that I’m at about 90 wins and 60 losses.  It sounds like a lot, but over 20 years, it’s not much.  That’s about 7 or 8 matches per year of which I’d have won 4 or 5 and lost 2 or 3 on average.”

Me:  “What do you mean by no true pattern?”

Mom: “Oh, I mean that the age, size, type of matchup or the other woman’s background is irrelevant.  I’ve won against young athletic girls, but lost against stuck–up business executives in their 40s who didn’t look like they could take me.  You’d be surprised at how much discipline and heart can impact the result of a match.  Some skinny women with talent and discipline can beat heavier, stronger women.  And sometimes, I think some women lose on purpose.  Would you believe that I won against the police officer?  She looked tough but as the match went on, I could feel that she wasn’t always giving it her 100% and she seemed to enjoy being pinned, breast smothered and even face sat.  Oops!  Too much detail…  Next question.”

Me:  “No, no.  Go on mom.  Details, I want details.”

Mom: “Alright. Well, here’s another secret, son.  Your mom has wrestled naked many times and depending on whom I fought against, some of my matches would go a certain way.  I only found out that this woman I was wrestling against was a police officer after the match was over.  Our husbands were there and she asked that we fight in the nude.  That must have been when I was about 34.  I remember that she was very pretty, at least 5’ 8” tall, a good 145 lb and she had black hair.  She knew takedown holds and submissions that I hadn’t seen before.  I guess she must have learned them at the police academy.  But she didn’t finish me off when she could have, and when I managed to get on top of her, she’d squeeze my breasts and my butt and let me smother her.  I mean really smother her.  I sat naked on her face and she seemed to enjoy being in that position.  She didn’t submit, but didn’t fight hard enough to escape.  Anyway, I think she was bi.  The men loved it.  I’ll admit it.  So did I, but it was sometimes a bit awkward for me, sitting on a pretty woman, seeing her pretty face between my legs.”

Me: “Um, is it hot in here, mom, or is it just me.”

Mom: “Ha, you’re just a 19 year old student.  You must be enjoying this conversation.  I know how your dad feels about me wrestling other women.  You probably have some of his genes.  Maybe I shouldn’t go into such detail.  Your dad loves it when we talk about my fights.”

Me: “Speaking of dad, you said that he got you into this.  How did that happen?”

Mom: “Hmmm.  This could be a touchy subject.  We’re both adults, but you’re still my son.  So, how do I say this?  Well, even today, when your dad and I have sex, the foreplay is usually us wrestling naked.  He told me that he enjoyed it when we played rough in the early stages of our relationship, before we were married and let’s say that the rougher we played, the more turned on he was, especially when I beat him.  So I knew then, and still know today how to get your dad’s juices flowing.  So, one day, he asked me how I’d feel about fighting another woman in front of him.  You know me, son.  I’m open-minded.  So I told him that I could try it at least once and see how it goes.  He got all excited and it took us a couple of months before we could find a suitable opponent.  Oh, here’s another secret.  Do you remember our neighbors at our house on Maple Street?  The Johanssen’s.  They were Swedish and she was the blonde with the big boobs.  We lived there when you were born and we moved when you were around 9 or 10.  You were just a kid then, so you may not remember her.”

Me: “Umm, oh yeah, I remember them, I mean, her.  She was hot, mom.  Are you going to tell me what I think you will?”

Mom: “Yep.  She was my first matchup.  You know what we did?  Your dad took me to a sex shop to buy my wrestling attire.  Can you imagine?  My first match was against a Swedish blonde with big boobs and we fought wearing g-strings, garter belts and tight bras.  She was surprisingly athletic.  We had a good fight, but my first match was also my first loss.  The men were literally stunned when they saw both of us fight.  They were speechless.  It was quite funny for me to watch them watch us.  You know I was pretty hot myself 20 years ago.  I’ve gained some weight, but I can still kick some serious female butt even today.”

Me: “You said that you kept a notebook.  Just out of curiosity, did dad take some pictures or videos of you wrestling or catfighting?”

Mom: “Hah!  You wish…  But, yes, in fact he did, son.  Still does.  They’re hidden in a special hiding place.  But I really don’t think that it’s appropriate for me to show you pictures or videos of me, you know, your mom, fighting other women.”

Me: “Well, maybe just, you know, how about some pictures of you wearing a one-piece swimsuit or a bikini?  Anything!  Please mom…  C’mon, please…  Maybe some pictures that show more of your opponent than you so you’re not embarrassed.  I’m very curious.”

Mom: “Me, embarrassed?  Naw.  I’m not ashamed of what I look like or of anything that I‘ve done.  You go to many beaches in Europe and the whole family is naked, or at least the moms are topless.  It’s a lot more acceptable in that continent than here in North America.  It’s just that…, um, oh, never mind.  Let me see what I can find upstairs and I’ll show you just a couple of photos.  I’ll be back in a few minutes.”            
My mother went upstairs and came back with a box of pictures, some going back to the 70s, when she first started.  She browsed through the stack and selected a few pics to show me on some of her matches.

Part 3 reveals stories of my mother's wrestling matches through photos